
Famous quotes from the founders of Utubia

If it were up to me, I would choose to serve in the Office of Fear Itself. I could also see myself successfully serving in the Office of Negativity or Death. As President, it is your call to make and I'm confident you will make the right decision... Even if I do not get the nod, I'm still behind you (and Utubia) all the way! - HoldinCoffee

I would love to serve in your humble dynasty I would be happy to act as president of the Young Tubers or whatever title you saw fit By the way who do you know that spoke of the youtube nation first before the song
- Jesari

We could build an island paradise. We need a real work headquarters. - EvoteLUTION

One of Utubia's goals should be, We call it OYA Like O YA Baby... The world is our baby. O stands for one Y stands for Year and A stands for abroad. One year abroad. We finance it. We can not rely on governments. We will pay for one child at the age of 18 to spend one year at a random cooperatign families house in the world. We will educate them and this is only possible now because of video technology where parents can see their childrens eyes and not worry to much... What I am saying is saying each child once in their life needs to live someplace else in teh world for one year to ensure peace as well as it opens eyes for people to see what their parents and communities were good at and what they could improve on. Besides. You can only learn this through living with another family intimately....not through study of language. - EvoteLUTION

Don't tell us what you can do for your country, tell us what you can do for Utubia! - Peter Appleseed

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